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Topic: Marketing

What is Google's New Marketing Platform and What can it Do for You?
By Lucy Woolson on July 11, 2018

Earlier this week, Google hosted a live web broadcast announcing their new ad service rebrand. AdWords has become Google Ads, DoubleClick has become Google Analytics 360 and they all fall...

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4 Ways to Keep Up with Evolving Digital Marketing Trends
By Cesar Guzman on April 6, 2018

There have always been new marketing approaches introduced into business strategies. Technological advancements have brought new opportunities in marketing efforts. The old saying “if it...

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How to do Marketing and Branding for Your Business on a Budget
By Linda Hanlon on January 31, 2017

Most businesses do not have endless assets they can use to help with branding and marketing. Some businesses, especially startups and small businesses, have tight budgets but still want...

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What to Read This Week
By Maya Devassy on January 2, 2017

Happy New Year! Fortress is starting a new feature on cool articles to read, but we know you're busy so we have added the length of time it will take to read each article for your benefit....

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Customers Talk. So Jump On Referral Marketing
By Maya Devassy on November 5, 2015

Word of mouth is what helped Airbnb and Dropbox grow quickly into the well-known brands they are today and you should be doing it too. As a potential client, you may ask your friends about...

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Email Marketing: Pros and Cons
By Maya Devassy on August 19, 2015

Email marketing, if done correctly, is a great way to reach new audiences and potential customers online. But like any marketing campaign, understanding the pros and cons of email marketing...

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Interview With Joel Mathew
By Maya Devassy on June 26, 2015

Fortress Consulting Group President Joel Mathew always knew he wanted to start a business from a very early age. With a degree in operations management and information systems and years of...

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Instagram = Instabrand
By Maya Devassy on May 13, 2015

Participating in social media is a must for building brands these days, and while Facebook and Twitter are the common platforms to partake in, Instagram is on the rise as a major tool for...

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Showcasing Images On Your Homepage
By Maya Devassy on May 7, 2015

So you want to display a striking image on your company’s homepage that really catches the viewer’s attention, but don’t know where to begin. Let’s start with the basics. First and...

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Five Benefits to Working With FCG
By Maya Devassy on March 18, 2015

We often hear “bigger” and “better” in the same sentence. Dream for bigger and better things. Every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current...

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